Bungee jumping structures vary greatly. Jumping has been done from the world’s mightiest bridges and buildings, to jumping from the tops of Redwood trees. If you can envision it, chances are it can be done. BCI uses a state-of-the-art jump deck and rigging system which can be custom fit to just about any jump structure. Therefore the type of structure used for the jump will depend on your chosen location’s topography.


Cliffs sites are some of the most spectacular and scenic jumping locations and make excellent use of the natural topography to gain elevation for the jump, removing the need for a large vertical structure. Dams and buildings are also commonly used structures that are excellent options for reducing vertical structure contruction. Below are BCI’s common jump structure solutions for these types of jump sites.

Cantilever Tower                     $139,000 - $189,000

A very efficient design, which works in combination with the natural environment. For use on cliff tops, no vertical sections are required although they can be added to achieve additional height. The platform length is adjusted to work with the height of the cliff and the sheerness of its face.

Cantilever footprint will vary according to cliff height and tower length.

Platform Length
Cantilever footprint will vary according to cliff height and tower length.

Tower Options

One or two jump stations available

Replace manual counterweight retrieval system with powered system add $59,000


Some of the most common bungee operations are those who utilize a simple flat piece of land and jump from a tower or vertical structure. These sites allow for very easy access for customers and can often be the most effective money makers. Below are BCI’s common jump structure solutions for these types of jump sites.

Arch Tower                                               $299,000

This tower design is extremely versatile. It was designed as a mobile tower but can also be placed in a permanent location. It requires only concrete blocks for foundations and everything fits on one truck. The tower can be used as a bungee tower or also as a reverse bungee ride called the Rocket Launcher. Installation for either application takes less than a day! Inquire about used Arches for sale.

The arch tower requires a 60 x 80 ft. footprint.

Tower Height
130 ft (40M)

Tower Options

Replace winch driven man lift with hydraulic drive system (2x faster) add $59,000


Gorges or canyons are some of the most dramatic natural locations lending themselves to some of the most scenic site possibilities in the world. They also allow for spanning and connecting using bridges or cables. Below are BCI’s common jump structure solutions for these types of jump sites.

Custom made gorge-spanning bungee bridge and jump deck.

Please contact us for estimate and information for your location.

Cable car and cable span jumps.

Please contact us for estimate and information for your location.


Stadiums, arenas and tall indoor buildings often have catwalk infrastructures in the ceilings to allow for rigging of lights, speakers, banners, etc. Many of these indoor venues have all the right pieces of the puzzle required for BCI to be able to install it’s custom jump deck and rigging system directly into the pre-existing indoor infrastructure, greatly reducing the need for significant structural construction. Please contact us with your indoor venue blueprints or drawings to get and idea of the possibilities.


Bridge sites are some of the most dynamic and interesting options for bungee jumping. It is not easy to come into possession of an existing bridge or even a right-of-way to a bridge, but when one is acquired there are numerous possibilities for jump points and in most cases ample space for required clearance envelopes.

BCI is able to install it’s custom jump deck and rigging system directly onto most bridges, greatly reducing the need for significant structural construction. Please contact us with your indoor venue blueprints or drawings to get and idea of the possibilities.


No matter the choice of jump site and jump structure, one of the most crucial pieces of the puzzle to ensure safe practice is to get site and structure specific training. Click below to jump to the training courses page.