Safety, must always be the number one concern of all operators. Realizing this, BCI offers in-depth training courses for everyone in your staff, and even regulatory bodies who are responsible for the inspections of each site. BCI is at the forefront of the international safety standards development effort in bungee jumping and the training courses BCI offers meets or exceeds CBA, NABA, BERSA, SANZ and Australian specifications. BCI is one of the few companies approved by the NABA and CBA to certify competency of operators trained in accordance with their respective safety codes.
The course is very comprehensive. By the end of it, you will have all the information needed to run your jump site safely, without further supervision, as well as the ability to continue training future staff. We typically bring in three of our jump masters to do the training and stay for 1 week. For the remainder of the course a single Jump Master remains to manage the operation, until it can be run without them, and the required number of jumps as per the applicable safety code is achieved.

A comprehensive bungee training course includes three general parts
Background and rescue training.
Specific bungee training.
Apprenticeship period.
BCI delivers a customized program for each operation that includes training program materials that provide the training, testing and performance tracking infrastructure that can be used for continued training after BCI has concluded the initial course.
The details of bungee training can be found below:
Bungee Training Course Summary:
Days 1, 2, 3 in class room. Days 4-7 hands on training.
General Summary
Course Purposes and Objectives
Fundamental Principles: Competency and Redundancy
Jump Deck
Rigging System and Component Parts
Additional Requirements for Elevating Jump Decks
Portable Hoisting Devices
Bungee Cords
Harnessing Procedures and Specifications
Rigging Equipment and Hardware: Carbineers, Slings/Webbing, Pulleys/Shackles, Ascenders, Descenders and Other Hardware, Scales and Retrieval Vessel
Equipment Inspection, Testing, Maintenance and Replacement
Bungee Cords
Ropes, Cables and Webbing/Slings
Equipment Storage and Security
Site Conditions and Requirements
First Aid
Posted Signs
Storage Facilities
Jump Spaces and Safety Spaces
Safety Space
Jump Space
Bottom Jump Space
Top Jump Space
Jumper Landing Area
Management Procedures
Prerequisites for Participation
Operating Procedures
Personnel Requirements
Pre-Jump Procedure Order
Additional Testing Procedures for Elevating Jump Decks
Personnel Communication
Safety Management and Emergencies
Weather Conditions and Work
Unsafe Weather
Work Periods
Jump Site Personnel
Site Personnel Qualifications
Jump Master
Jump Assistant
Retrieval Operator
Portable Hoist Operator
Vessel Operator
Crew Responsibilities
Jump Master
Jump Assistant
Retrieval Operator
Portable Hoist Operator
Vessel Operator
With the training process will come state-of-the-art bungee jumping equipment. The highest quality cords, harnesses, carabiners and more. Learn more on the equipment page.